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Lynda.com Photoshop CS5: Selections in Depth 教學 英文版
軟體名稱: Lynda.com Photoshop CS5: Selections in Depth
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2010.09.10
軟體發行: lynda.com
官方網站: http://www.lynda.com/
中文網站: http://twcd01.com
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Lynda最新出品的Photoshop CS5: Selections in Depth. Photoshop CS5選擇工具詳解
教程. Jan Kabili深入講解了這部分內容. 向讀者演示了運用選擇功能進行工作的最佳

Photoshop最重要的技能之一就是, 根據不同的工作挑選正確的選擇工具並有效地使用
這些工具. Jan講解了Photoshop的手動、自動選擇技巧,並示範講解了如何挑選最有效
的圖像選擇方法。她還解釋了選擇功能與alpha通道之間的基本關係, 並說明如何進行

教程時長: 3小時45分

教程等級設置: 中級


主講: Jan Kabili


In Photoshop CS5: Selections in Depth,
author Jan Kabili offers a comprehensive tour of Photoshop CS5s selection features.
Selection options are the key to performing creative imaging tasks,
such as isolating photo adjustments and making image composites.
This course covers selection basics as well as the nuances of selections,
including selecting hair, refining masks, saving and recalling selections,
working in Quick Mask mode, and creating selections based on image properties,
such as luminosity and color channels.
Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

Understanding the when and why of making selections
Combining and transforming selections
Selecting fine detail with Refine Edge
Capturing soft and hard edges in one selection
Understanding the relationship of selections to masks
Removing color fringe around selections
Using the Marquee and Lasso tools
Working with the Color Range command
Selecting with the Pen tool and paths
Making easy selections with the Quick Selection tool
Working with Refine Mask
Sharing selections between images
